Terminale Troncocono

Terminale Troncocono

Articles of the series: Terminale Troncocono (TCN)

Description and application:

The Tronco di Cono chimney cap is used as a terminal for chimney flue. It does not impede the passage of combustion fumes and is advisable for the evacuation of fumes under pressure.


Install on the terminal part of the chimney flue. Fix by means of a flue clamp. Do not use a silicon sealant only. Installation of the chimney cap must be carried out by qualified personnel

Certifications and notes:

Certificazione CE in base alla normativa EN 1856-01 :
- Resistenza al flusso


Articolo TDP - Doppia Parete

080/130 100/150 130/180 150/200 180/230 200/250 250/300 300/350
200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Articolo TDP_AC - Doppia Parete Aria

080/100 100/120 130/150 160/180 180/200 200/220 230/250
200 200 200 200 200 200 200
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Terminale adatto per essere installato su caldaie a condensazione

Terminale adatto per essere installato su caldaie a condensazione

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